The Simple Present Verb Tense in Context (#1)

May 12, 2023

Start Off on the Right Foot

Every morning I try to follow a specific routine. This routine helps me to prepare for all that the day holds. First, I wake up and think about one or more things that I am grateful for. I like starting the day like this because no matter what difficulties I may have, my thoughts are already focused on the good things in my life. After that, I go for a short walk outside. I do this because it helps me to wake up fully, and it clears my mind. Plus, I feel  like I'm doing something healthy and energizing for myself. Once I finish my walk, I get ready for the day and eat a quick, but healthy, breakfast. Then, it's time to get on the road. I prefer to give myself plenty of time to get there, so I don't feel rushed and stressed on the drive there. That way, I arrive at work ready to give my best and to interact well with my coworkers. Though every day doesn't begin this way, I find that the mornings that do start this way go much better.




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